Detention Houses

Objective: To strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the development of a new concept of prisons, the so-called detention houses, which create conditions for a new quality of meeting the needs and rights of vulnerable groups of prisoners and conditions for a safe, inclusive and sustainable society.
The project will deepen cooperation between the Czech Republic and Norway in the field of development of detention houses as a way to fulfil the rights of prisoners and their specific needs, with attention to vulnerable groups of the prison population. Detention houses are based on three basic principles – they are small, differentiated (i.e. tailored to different target groups according to their needs and demands for treatment and necessary level of security) and integrated in the community (the aim is to promote inclusion, build social ties, create a sense of belonging for all involved, including the local community). Two working trips for experts to partner countries and a follow-up roundtable in Prague will take place. The outcomes will be used in the creation of Knowledge Workplaces to enable the development of know-how on the topics in Europe and to strengthen the capacities of the European movement RESCALED and other actors working on the topic of detention houses.
Key activities:
Working visits
Objective: Through working visits to the Czech Republic and Norway provide 7 experts with practical experience of the operation of detention houses and to raise their awareness of how detention houses can meet the specific needs and rights of different groups of prisoners.
Round table on the topic of detention houses and the needs and rights of prisoners
Objective: To engage 23 roundtable participants from the Czech Republic and Norway in a discussion on key issues of good practice of detention houses and their impact on strengthening the autonomy of prisoners.
Coordination of activities and dissemination of outputs